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MUZZLE... credo non si possa fare a meno di conoscere questa canzone... credo non si possa fare a meno di trovarsi in queste parole... credo non si possa fare a meno di commuoversi su queste note...

il primo viaggio rubattino rock and roll non poteva che essere accompagnato da MUZZLE...e si ricomincia...

i fear that i am ordinary, just like everyone
to lie here and die among the sorrows
adrift among the days
for everything i ever said
and everything i've ever done is gone and dead
as all things must surely have to end
and great loves will one day have to part

i know that i am meant for this world
my life has been extraordinary
blessed and cursed and won
time heals but i'm forever broken
by and by the way...

have you ever heard the words
i'm singing in these songs?
it's for the girl i've loved all along
can a taste of love be so wrong

as all things must surely have to end
and great loves will one day have to part
i know that i am meant for this world
and in my mind as i was floating
far above the clouds
some children laughed i'd fall for certain
for thinking that i'd last forever
but i knew exactly where i was
and i knew the meaning of it all
and i knew the distance to the sun
and i knew the echo that is love

and i knew the secrets in your spires
and i knew the emptiness of youth
and i knew the solitude of heart
and i knew the murmurs of the soul
and the world is drawn into your hands
and the world is etched upon your heart
and the world so hard to understand
is the world your can't live without
and i knew the silence of the world


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